2014 Bush Prize For Community Innovation

I've spent the last few months out on the road with Passenger, researching, interviewing, shooting and editing 10 different mini-documentary pieces for the Bush Foundation's 2014 Community Innovation prize winners. The first 2 pieces were we created were just released, and it's been great to see the process through conception, and now nearing completion. 

"The Bush Prize for Community Innovation honors and supports innovative organizations with a track record of making great ideas happen. Winners receive a package of recognition, including a flexible grant of 25% of the organization’s last fiscal year budget, up to $500,000."

"We award at least one Bush Prize in each of three areas we serve: Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and the 23 Native nations that share the same geography."

- See more at: https://www.bushfoundation.org/grants/bush-prize-community-innovation#sthash.TUW0hyvU.dpuf