Rare footage of meteor exploding as it hits the Earth's atmosphere - TIME Magazine
Father captures the whimsy of childhood from behind the lens - Mashable.com
These Gorgeous Photos Will Make You Want a Fall Wedding Immediately - Cosmopolitan
Photographer snaps epic portrait of his daughter under a rainbow - Petapixel.com
Local photographer creates Sioux Falls welcome on the roof of his building - Argus Leader
A family attempts their first "workation" - Lemonly.com
Photographer's Autumn-Themed Wedding Shots Will Take Your Breath Away - ABC NEWS
This Gorgeous Wedding Photo Captures Fall In All Its Glory - Huffington Post
A captivating image, a unique perspective - National Geographic
“It’s great to travel and go out and see the world,” Eisenhauer says, “but I’m always really happy and proud to come back to Sioux Falls.” - Matador Network
A rumble has been increasing in volume for the past few decades in South Dakota thanks to Soulcrate Music - BBC News
Husband Takes Captivating Pictures Of His Pregnant Wife Before And After Giving Birth - LittleThings.com